Sunday, January 29, 2012

Limitation Creation

Here is the creation I made to visualize my frustration with being brain blocked on a project.

'Twas the project that excited me

I use a lot of different types of software, as do a lot of people in my profession and my passion of computer stuffs. I was reformatting my computer a lot at one point and setting up new computers at home and work a lot. It seemed like I was always downloading the same applications, but I was downloading them as I needed them.

So I got to thinking that if I am always using these applications and end up needing every single one then they are probably pretty important to my life. Then I thought that maybe it would help others to see what they were, download them, and see how they helped me.

So I thought the best way to do this would be a website. I would use my personal website and put these things in columns with pop-over descriptions of what they were, and then a little more about what I would use them for. Then a person could just download them with a click and use them themselves.

I thought that this would also be perfect for me to use when I setup a new computer. I would go to my own webpage and begin downloading everything I needed. It would suffice as my memory for what I wanted to download.

So that's what was going to happen when I first had the idea. Then I started on the project. And then I got extremely busy and this project turned into a webpage that was actually used to host my portfolio. And that's what it still is now.


The limitations that forced me to change the project were mainly time. I had many other obligations including school, getting things ready for my daughter's birthday, working on my shed, and did I mention school? School, school, school. So, to finish an obligation for school, I turned my project into a portfolio page for a class that I was in. I have had a bit of time to refine that over the last few months, but haven't gotten back into my original project.

I would honestly say though that the biggest limitation that I had was a brain block. I couldn't do what I wanted to quickly enough when I sat down with time. I tried several times, but it just didn't flow. Too bad too, because it would have been pretty cool.


My limitation that there were too many things that could be done, but I wanted to do something that was going to be lasting and memorable for me. I didn't want to put it on a necklace, or a bracelet or anything like that. I didn't want to glue it onto something. That's when I decided if I put it on my guitar that I would be able to look at it a lot and have it serve as a long term reminder for me to think differently and see sideways.

So how I felt when I got the brain block, was just that; a brain block.

So I created a brain block. I will put that in another post following this one because the pictures aren't going where I want them to correctly. Stay tuned...

Monday, January 23, 2012

Class memories 1/23

Something that stood out today in class for me was the fact that there were a few people talking and a lot of people not talking. It made my wonder why I felt uncomfortable talking and also why sometimes it seems that everyone in a class talks and sometimes it is only a few people.

I think, for me, it is hard to be in a class of this size and have a few strong commenters because I want whatever I say to be profound. I don't want to speak for the sake of speaking. But I realize that I am very rarely profound and I may be putting too much pressure on myself.

Then I got to wondering; what if the few speakers were not as strong? By that I mean I wonder if the rest of the class would feel more apt to talk if the people that did speak a lot weren't so seemingly strong in their comments. I will continue to ponder this as class progresses this semester.

My roll today

Today I agreed with the idea that one of my clever classmates came up with. I agreed rather enthusiastically.

To complete the in class project, I wrote down a favorite movie quote and then read a different quote when my time came to read.

I had fun in class today!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Bead

I thought and thought about what I could do with my bead that would be useful for me. I wanted to do something with it that would help me see things a bit differently and keep an open mind.

I decided to put it on my guitar strings. I thought that this would be a good reminder that people watching me play may not be seeing things the way that I see them, and to kind of "see things sideways" as much as I can.

It will also server another purpose. It will keep me motivated to play things differently and keep the show interesting. The worst thing in the world is to go see someone play and they take themselves too seriously and become incredibly stale.

I'm not a good guitar player or anything, but my strength lies in entertaining. The bead will help me remember that and to keep humble and realize my place is to make people enjoy their time they spend with me. Not to deliver epiphanies.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Class Reflection for Mon, Jan 9

Class today was a good introduction into what I think the semester will be like. I am excited to see where things go. I like the idea of broadening my horizons and seeing how I can challenge myself for my last semester.

I got a clear idea of what this semester would be like and I like what I saw. It seems like there will be a lot of experimentation and discussion, which I hope I'll find pretty cool.

I'm looking forward to it!